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Changes to provincial screening before arriving at school

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Changes to provincial screening before arriving at school

Dear students and families,

Thank you for continuing to complete your daily COVID-19 screening before arriving at school. You may have noticed the provincial screening tool has changed. Here are some of the significant changes:

  1. A student with any single new COVID-19 symptom must isolate until they test negative for COVID-19, receives an alternate diagnosis for the symptom, or has isolated for 10 days since symptoms began. (Previously, students with a minor symptom could return after 24 hours.)
  2. If you live with someone who has a new COVID-19 symptom, you must isolate pending the symptomatic person’s COVID-19 test result. This applies to siblings of symptomatic students or children of symptomatic parents/guardians.
  3. If you live with an international traveller who isn’t exempt from quarantine requirements, you must isolate for 14-days.

For homes with more than one child, this means that all students in a household must stay home if a single student fails the screen; all siblings will be sent home from school if one child becomes ill.

As a reminder, secondary school students must validate their daily screening when they arrive at school each day. Anyone who refuses or fails the screen will be sent home.

Updated on Friday, February 19, 2021.
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