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Students of the Week – Feb. 8-12

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Students of the Week – Feb. 8-12

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for February 8-12, 2021!

Lucas 6/7L Lewis For his positive attitude, and consistent effort each day.
Sibora 3a Mrs. McNabb Improvement in Reading
Avalyn JKSK-A Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For finding your voice in the classroom and great participating in all of our activities now that we are back in the classroom!
Kayleigh 4/5 Mme. McDonald Kayleigh always participates actively in French!  She is a natural in person and online!
Nikolas 3/4A Mr. Levantis For an excellent start back at school and for completing all assignments.
Mohammad FDK-B Kindergarten Class Mrs. Saigeon For learning the Kindergarten Sight words and for his Enthusiasm towards reading.
Cameron 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Cameron has shown a strong commitment to learning along with asking many important questions along the way.
Emilie Class 7/8A Mr. Laidman Emilie worked extremely hard during remote learning. She has really improved her results in all of her subjects.
Mack FDKC Kitchen/Montecalvo Mack has done an excellent job with self regulation with our return to in person learning. He arrives to school every day with a big smile and happy greetings for everyone.Great job Mack!
Harnoor gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Great job with his multiplication facts.
Updated on Friday, February 12, 2021.
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