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Students of the Week – Jan. 4-8, 2021

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Students of the Week – Jan. 4-8, 2021

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for January 4-8, 2021!

Jesse 3/4 Mme. McDonald You are a natural born French speaker Jesse!  You have also been a helpful technologist in our French Class!
Mays Gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Great participation with answers during online learning.
Dean 3/4A Mr. Levantis For a positive attitude during online remote learning. He took on all challenges and asked questions to solve his problems.
Baksh FDKC Montecalvo/ Kitchen Way to go Baksh for demonstrating outstanding skills during our online lessons. Keep up the great work😊
Sara JKSK-A Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For taking your learning very seriously and participating from the other side of the world from Jordan. With a big time difference your participation is greatly appreciated! Keep it up!
Michael 7/8 Hockey Academy Mr. S. Kuczerepa Michael has demonstrated a strong commitment to remote learning and has asked some important questions throughout the week.
Xavier 1/2 Mrs. Popovic for navigating his way onto the remote learning platform with his class.
Bill 6/7L Lewis For his productive week in on-line learning.  Great start!
Ava JK/SKB Mr. Hawley For excellent work remembering the online song during music class.
Giuliana 2A Mr. Perry Excellent on-line organization and class participation!
Updated on Friday, January 08, 2021.
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