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HWDSB Building

Tech-Enabled Learning at SWO

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Technology as a Learning Tool

Each SWO classroom is provisioned with technology and our school has wireless access.  Our learning spaces blend face-to-face, pencil to paper and online learning in many ways each and every day.  When technology is integrated as a learning tool, students are able to connect, collaborate, create, code and publish in innovative ways that are engaging and real-world.

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare us for a society full of technology. A digital citizen is one who knows what is right and wrong, exhibits intelligent technology behaviour and makes good choices when using technology.

Parents, students, and staff modelling and collaborating on safe and best practices can support students with the tools and skills to make good choices online.

School Device Procedures

  1. Devices are to be used for educational purposes only.
    • Teacher signals when devices may be used during class.
    • “Screens down” means you need to put your device face down.
  2. Recording (videos, pictures) of anyone without permission will result in progressive discipline.
  3. Devices are not to be used during nutrition break.
  4. No device use at lockers or when walking in the hallways.
    1. No accessing your device while traveling from class including earbuds.
  5. No devices in the bathrooms or change rooms.

Grade 5 – 8 students with parent / caregiver permission may choose to bring devices to school to support their learning.  This is not an expectation as devices can and will be provisioned for learning. In order to support and secure these valuable tools, students are permitted to access their lockers before and after PE, DPA or fitness on the stage.

Updated on Monday, September 27, 2021.
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