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Portal Open for Remote Learning 2021-2022

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Portal Open for Remote Learning 2021-2022

Elementary Remote Learning 2021-22

Dear Families,

HWDSB is offering remote learning for elementary students (Kindergarten to Grade 8) in 2021-22 as an option for families concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic as directed by the Ministry of Education.

We appreciate that making this decision may be difficult for families given the current health situation in Ontario.

Parents, guardians and caregivers can select elementary remote learning for 2021-22 on the Parent Portal. This form is open from 9 a.m. Thursday, May 13 to 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, June 1. By default, students will be considered in-person learners unless this choice is selected.

We are asking families to commit to remote learning for the entire 2021-22 school year, but there will be an opportunity to transition to in-person learning early in early October. Depending on Ministry of Education directions, there might be another opportunity later in the school year.

Remote Learning Model

Elementary remote learning next year will be connected to physical schools as part of a dual-track model. This model allows students to learn remotely while being connected to a physical school. The remote teachers will be members of the school staff and the school principal will also be the remote principal. Though remote learning classes are part of schools, these are dedicated remote learning classes and distinct from in-person classes. The start and end times for the remote classroom will be based on the school’s bell times.

Families will be offered a remote placement in a school placement by the end of June.

Remote Learning Program 

There will be a mix of live teaching time and independent work time each day. Students will cover all subjects and curriculum as they would in a physical school. Students will receive the same report cards as in-person school. The remote learning classroom will use MS Teams and the HUB as the platforms to deliver instruction. Families will be provided with a device if a student needs a device.

Specialized Services support and English as Second Language support will be provided, as needed. French Immersion, Mandarin, and Mohawk language programming may be offered based on enrolment and the availability of staff.

Parent Portal Support

The Parent Portal is the first and preferred method to register your choice. Some parents, however, may need assistance if you are unable to access the Parent Portal.

  • Call your school or email using the Elementary School Emails listing if you are unable to access the Parent Portal.
  • School office staff will input your choice into HWDSB’s student information system if accessing the Parent Portal is a barrier.
  • Parents and guardians from the remote learning school can contact the main office for support.

Families will receive registration information for the 2021-22 school year by June 30. We will provide updates from the Ministry of Education that may impact adjustments to the proposed remote learning program.

Thank you,

Manny Figueiredo

Director of Education

Updated on Friday, May 14, 2021.
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