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Bell Times

9:15 AM - 3:35 PM


Michael Castellani - 905-575-1535 | Email


Adnan Shahbaz - 905.527.5092 x 2622 | E-mail Adnan Shahbaz


Becky Buck - 905.515.2367 | E-mail Becky Buck

General Information

Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8
65 Hester Street, Hamilton ON L9A 2N3
Phone Number: (905) 575-1535
Fax Number: (905) 575-8136

Administrative Staff

Ms. Rocheleau

Mrs. Dewildt (am)

Our School

Ridgemount School is a school with a diverse – and involved community.  We value Trust, Integrity, Compassion and most importantly JOY!

Program Highlights

  • ESL support


  • Track and Field
  • Cross Country
  • Green Team (Environment)

Before/After School Program Or Activities

  • YMCA

Our School Plan

Curriculum Focus

  • We have a curriculum focus of Literacy in the Early years.  The staff of the school from Junior Kindergarten to grade six supports the need for early intervention to develop a love of reading and writing, as it is a life skill that is required, to be successful.  In-service and feed back from Board in-service occurs at each of the staff meetings and team meetings.  In-service also occurs from the Literacy teacher who is assigned to the school 0.5.
  • Language improvement for new Canadians is an identified area of focus.  Many of our families have little to no knowledge of English a language and it is our responsibility to improve communication skills.  Ridgemount’s ESL teacher in-services staff on how to integrate ESL strategies into daily lessons.

Environment Focus

Safe Schools: Ridgemount School has a very diverse culture and as a school we must be sensitive to the needs of all members of our community.  We have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all.  As a staff we have the responsibility to be role models for our students and parents.

Parent & Community Involvement


Ridgemount School plays and important role in the local community.  Open House in the spring is always an event as the community is welcomed to enter and share in the celebration of Literacy at the school level.  Our school has a reputation of giving back to the community and many fund raising events are held to support many of our local and international charities such as: The Terry Fox Foundation, Red Cross and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.   Every year our students and community contribute generously to the Neighbour to Neighbour food drive.


Parents are very involved in volunteering in the classroom, supporting the Literacy program.  Parent volunteers support the library on a daily basis and help on educational class trips.  Parents are heavily involved in fundraising to make technological and literacy more readily available to the individual student and on other School Council endeavors.  School Council generously gives support to various fund raising themes to support those in need.  Please contact the school if you wish to volunteer.  A current Police Check is required to volunteer.

Updated on Friday, October 18, 2024.
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