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Week of November 12-16

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Week of November 12-16

Road Runners Logo

Ridgemount Families:

A reminder to be sure that students dress appropriately for the weather as it is getting colder. Be sure to check the lost and found bin when you are in the school as we have an overflow of  items. These items will be sent off to local charities later this week so be sure to have your child check for lost items.

Please also be reminded to follow the signs located around the school regarding parking and school bus loading zones (at the front and east side of the school as well as in the back parking lot. We would like to ensure that safety of all our students and staff and our Bylaw Officers will be monitoring and giving out tickets to those

A big thank you to our Pizza and Sub Day volunteers. Without you our Pizza and Sub days would not be such a success! Sub day is this Tuesday. Only orders sent in last Friday will be processed as our deadline is always the week before the actual Sub day.  A reminder to check agendas, REMIND messages and students backpacks for any important communication items.

EA (Educational Assistant) appreciation day is this Thur, Nov 15. Please join us in thanking our EA’s at Ridgemount for their endless support, care and work with all of our students, staff and families!!

Please click on the link below for the Ridgemount Week at a Glance for the upcoming week:  Week at a Glance – Nov 12-16-2

The best way to keep updated is to register to our school website at: www.hwdsb.on.ca/ridgemount (under the school photo in the bottom right corner is the link to “Register”) to keep updated on upcoming school events and news!! Be sure to tell our new Ridgemount families to register to our website as well!

Please follow Ridgemount on Twitter to view our work and other Ridgemount highlights at: @Ridgmeount_HWDSB.

A reminder to review the following basic bus rules with your children to support this:

Bus Rules

Be sure to register to our school website at: www.hwdsb.on.ca/ridgemount (under the school photo in the bottom right corner is the link to “Register”) to keep updated on upcoming school events and news!! Be sure to tell our new Ridgemount families to register to our website as well!

A reminder that if you need to stop by the school you will need to enter at the front entrance on Hester St. As we are a secure facility you will need to push the doorbell button and wait for an office staff to identify you and then open the door.  If you are dropping off lunches for your child you can place it on the lunch cart outside the office labelled “Student Lunches”. Be sure to prearrange this with your child so that they know to come to the office at the Nutrition Break to pick up their lunch as we are unable to keep lunches in the office area.

Thanks and have a great week everyone!

Mr. Carey – Principal & Mrs. Panju – Vice Principal




Updated on Sunday, November 11, 2018.
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