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HWDSB Building

Year End News

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Year End News

Can you believe we have come to that last week of school already?  Time sure flies!!

As we look back on the year, there is much to celebrate.  In regards to our School Plan, we were able to attain our goal of 76% of our Grade 1 students achieving a “B” in Reading on their June Report.  Thanks to the Grade 1 Team, Mrs. Grochot and Mrs. Lidgey for all their efforts in helping our students reach this important milestone.  From a student perspective, there are many celebrations:  our School Band once again “wowed” audiences at BandFest and the Spring Concert, our student-athletes brought home a couple of more banners for the gym (and the Senior Volleyball teams even beat the Staff in our annual Staff vs. Students Game) and our students  represented Ray Lewis School proudly at the HWDSB Checkers Tournament (and going into the Guiness World of Records for most simultaneous players), the HWDSB Robotics Tournament and at HWDSB DanceFest.  Our School Council also had a busy year with organizing Sub Days and the Poinsettia Sale.  Monies raised went to purchase new books for the Library, Awards for Graduation and also helped fund our second floor bottle filling station.  Our Student Council was very busy in organizing Spirit Days, Fitness Fridays and conducted TCBY and Kernel’s sales.  They were a very busy group this year!!  Way to go, Ray Lewis on an amazing year!!

Report Cards will be coming home on Wednesday, June 26th.  Please be sure to go over the report with your child and celebrate the growth and successes.  It is also a good idea to set some goals for the summer (read a certain number of books, join the summer reading program at the library, keep a journal or make a memory book of summer activities, etc).  Please return the signed parent portion of the report card on the last day of school.  Your child’s class placement will be included with the Report Card.  Please remember this is an initial placement and changes may occur in the fall.  Please do not call the school looking for a change, as placements cannot be changed due to class size caps.  If you have moved or are moving over the summer, you will be directed to register at your new home school as Ray Lewis School is closed to Out of Catchment requests.

The end of the year is also a time when we say good-bye to some staff members.  We had several LTO staff members whose positions will come to an end and we have several permanent staff members who will be moving on to new schools in the fall.  Thank you for your service to Ray Lewis School.  Our departing staff include:

Ms. Arruda (moving to Queen Victoria)
Mr. Root (moving to Huntington Park)
Mrs. Grochot (moving to Mountain View)
Ms.  O’Coin  (LTO ended)
Educational Assistants
Ms. Jovanovic  (LTO ended)
Ms. De Melo  (LTO ended)
Ms. Wall  (LTO ended)
Ms. Gentle  (LTO ended)
Ms. Simpson  (LTO ended)
Early Childhood Educators
Mrs. Froats (LTO ended)
Ms. Cameron  (LTO ended)
Office Staff
Ms. Williams (LTO ended)
Mrs.  Hitch (LTO ended) 
Mr. Vacca (Glendale High School)

Special good-bye to Mr. Vacca.  He joined us in September and quickly became an important member of the Ray Lewis Team.  He will be re-joining the secondary panel and is heading to Glendale High School as a Vice-Principal.

Wishing all the members of the Ray Lewis community a safe and relaxing summer vacation and we look forward to seeing you in the fall!


Updated on Monday, June 24, 2019.
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