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School Council

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Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

The School Council is an important advisory group to the school. In collaboration with the staff and students of Queensdale, School Council organizes fundraisers and community events each year as well as offering support of student achievement, equity and well-being.

Parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to get involved and can learn more about Queensdale School Council roles and responsibilities in our Bylaws (link below). All of our meetings are open for all to join in. There are multiple ways to get involved with the School Council so parents can take part in a way that their schedules allow.

Parents and guardians can join as an elected member, with a commitment to attend monthly meetings and the ability to vote on motions. These elections take place at the first meeting of each school year.

Parents/guardians can also participate as a general/non-voting member. These members come to meetings and take part in the discussion but are not eligible to vote and regular attendance isn’t required. This could also include group chats/emails discussing event planning and preparations.

A third option for involvement is to volunteer at events and activities throughout the year. Anyone interested in being involved can reach out to the Queensdale main office or directly to the School Council chair at [email protected]. Please note: for some types of volunteer opportunities, a current police check is required.

2023/2024 Queensdale School Council

Chair:  Jennifer Csele

Secretary: Colin Ferguson

Treasurer: Nicole Hughes

Members:    Amy Pender, Sara Gray, Kristine Wachmann, Lisa Van Keulen, Stephanie McAulay, Melissa Button, Holly Chriss, Jennifer Baillie-Rousee, Angela Hernandez Sobrado, Brendan Knapman, Helen Athana, Candice Laughlin

Community Rep: Mary Jane Sorima, Umbrella Daycare

All parents and members of the Queensdale community are welcome to attend our School Council meetings and to participate in the discussion. Meetings start at 6:00pm in the library. Childcare is available upon request.

Queensdale School Council By-Laws

Queensdale School Council By-Laws (2023-11-22)

2023/2024 Meeting Dates

Wednesday, October 4

Thursday, October 26

Wednesday, November 22

Thursday, January 18

Wednesday, February 21

Thursday, March 21

Wednesday, April 17

Thursday, May 23

Wednesday, June 12

2022/2023 Meeting Minutes

Contact us at [email protected] with questions, suggestions or for more information.

Updated on Monday, January 22, 2024.
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