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Bell times …

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Bell times …

Just a short message to let you know that school bell times have not changed this year. There has been some confusion as incorrect bell times are listed in the Parent Portal app–please disregard them.

Here is a summary of our bell times:

8:35am Before school Duty-Teacher starts supervision.
Students arriving early are to proceed and wait in their assigned class area.
8:50am Morning entry / School begins
10:30am Beginning of Nutrition Break
10:50am End of Nutrition Break, Beginning of Recess
11:10am End of Recess
12:50pm Beginning of Nutrition Break
1:10pm End of Nutrition Break, Beginning of Recess
1:30pm End of Recess
3:10pm Dismissal / Duty-teacher begins supervision
3:25pm End of Outside Teacher Supervision

bell graphic


Updated on Tuesday, September 08, 2020.
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