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Changes to Kindergarten Communication of Learning

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Changes to Kindergarten Communication of Learning

kindergarten documentAt HWDSB, we know that parent engagement fosters student success. We want to be as clear as possible about changes to how schools report on learning in Kindergarten.

In the past at HWDSB, family members could attend “observation visits” in Kindergarten. For the 2017-18 school year, we will be using the new, written Kindergarten report provided by the Ministry of Education.

Issued on Oct. 30, 2017, the written document Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Initial Observations will be the first formal report of the year on your child’s learning in Kindergarten. You can see the document attached and online.

While this replaces observation visits, it aims to open home-school communication throughout the school year. The report includes clear, detailed, and straightforward information about your child’s learning, growth in learning, and next steps in learning in relation to expectations in Kindergarten.

At HWDSB, each team of Kindergarten educators will schedule interviews with parents for all students in years one and two of the two-year Kindergarten program. We also encourage parents to attend open house events and take advantage of the many other ways to become engaged in the school community.

Learning works best when families support it at home. Children are more likely to be motivated, to improve in their learning, and to develop positive behaviour and social skills when their parents are actively involved in their learning.

Thank you for choosing HWDSB for these Kindergarten years, which lay the foundation for your child’s future achievements and success.

Updated on Friday, October 13, 2017.
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