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Queen Mary

Kindergarten at QM

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You, and your child, are invited to attend our Kindergarten Information Session on Thursday May 30th from 4:30 -5:30 PM.
This is an informal introduction to school which will allow you to visit the kindergarten classrooms here at Queen Mary and ask the educators any questions you may have.
Each classroom will be designated to a certain topic so please hold your questions till you visit the required room for your questions (e.g. Outdoor Clothing, backpacks/lunch bags, toileting & extra clothes, etc.)
We will provide you with a handbook when you arrive to help answer some of your questions about the transition to school. We have also included some helpful links and attachments with general information about Kindergarten in HWDSB.
Kindergarten Orientation | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)
Microsoft Word – Kindergarten Ready – Tips for parents to ease the drop off (hwdsb.on.ca)
Our Principal and Vice-Principal will greet you in the front foyer of our school to check-in and direct you to where the classrooms are for a classroom visit. We have many students registered to start kindergarten at Queen Mary in September so please only come with the child who is attending and a maximum of 2 caregivers to keep the numbers manageable.
You will receive an email near the end of summer (August) indicating your child’s class for September and a time for your first day visit on Tuesday September 3rd. The visit will be approximately 30 minutes to meet your educators and get acquainted with the classroom. The first full day of school will be on Wednesday September 4th.
If you are new to Queen Mary as an SK student, or are beginning with is in JK you should have received a post card/email with a time to visit the school on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd.  If you are not sure of your visit time, please call or email the school.
Important Documents for the start of your Kindergarten Journey
Early Words Postcard
Eye See Eye Learn 2024-2025
JK Pre-reg Parent Portal Instructions PDF
Kindergarten – Speech Language Checklist
Updated on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
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