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February 2022 Principal Message

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February 2022 Principal Message

Dear Mount Hope Families,
We hope you have had a great start to the New Year welcoming 2022!  As schools reopened to welcome our students back, we looked forward to starting the New Year off focusing on re-establishing daily routines with our primary focus being student and staff safety during the instructional day. The learning skill and Character Builds trait of Responsibility guided us for the month to help build our students’ skills and character!
With February upon us we have just launched Empathy as our new trait of focus for learning in the classrooms.  Our focus will be to help students understand that to be empathetic they must understand issues from the viewpoint of others asking the question of “Can you put yourself in someone else’s shoes?”
February is also Black History Month across Canada. It provides us with an opportunity to honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present. Students will have opportunities to learn more about Black history and gain a deeper level of understanding of the past and present day themes that help us all respect the diversity that exists in our world today.
As we complete the first term of this school year, students will be receiving their Report cards giving them an opportunity to reflect on their successes, achievements and set goals for the second term of the school year. Reports will be going home with our students on Friday February 18th.  We strongly encourage that you sit down with your child and go over their report card to help set reasonable goals for the remainder of the school year. Focusing on celebrating successes and identifying next steps on the feedback page provided with the report card acknowledges the importance of a commitment towards improvement and provides a focus for your child until the end of the year. Please ensure that you send the feedback page back to school with your child to build the home-school connection and work collaboratively with your child’s teacher to ensure consistency with goal setting and a successful term to follow. We value the impact that you as caregivers have in supporting your child’s success at school and appreciate your efforts to enhance their skill development through their academic and learning skills.
At Mount Hope we value the teamwork and partnership with our School Council who supports our school improvement initiatives to help our students thrive and succeed in their learning environment.  As a result of our successful Poinsettia fundraiser, School Council has supported the funding that will allow us to purchase levelled books to support home reading programs in Primary and Novel sets to support Critical Literacy across the Junior & Intermediate Divisions.  Thank you to our council for their partnership with School Improvement & for the support of our community in purchasing Poinsettias over the holiday season.
As information from the system continues to be posted on our Board & School website, we strongly encourage families to subscribe to our Mount Hope website by selecting the subscribe feature on our school website to get the latest up to date HWDSB & Mount Hope information shared during the pandemic.
With Family Day approaching on Monday February 21st, we wish all of our families an enjoyable long winter weekend!


Ms. Radojevic – Principal
Updated on Tuesday, February 01, 2022.
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