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Hillcrest’s Virtual Kindergarten Orientation June 2nd

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Hillcrest’s Virtual Kindergarten Orientation June 2nd

Hillcrest’s Kindergarten Orientation

Spring is an exciting time at our school, as we welcome families and children to Kindergarten Orientation.

Attending an orientation is a great chance to connect with the kindergarten team and to learn more about the kindergarten program.

This year’s event will be virtual but will still give families and children a sense of what to expect in September. We hope that you can attend our Kindergarten Orientation.

Date and time of Kindergarten Orientation: Wednesday June 2 – 5:00 pm


Microsoft Teams link to join: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjkyMWFkM2YtYTI4ZC00MWZhLThhNTctMWQwZWQwMTlhZGIx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227afeaf6a-b1be-4c83-a974-c43a8b215634%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d0c8c7ef-5f2a-4700-a0f8-b0331cf0fd86%22%7d


You do not need to RSVP, but may want to review how to use a Microsoft Teams link if you are new to the platform.

You can also learn more about Kindergarten at HWDSB by visiting our Kindergarten Orientation web page. Here, you will find a video tour of what happens during a typical day in Kindergarten, a narrated video based on the presentation schools deliver at their events, a video to help families of children with special education needs, and much more.


Updated on Thursday, May 27, 2021.
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