Share your thoughts about the Racialized Students’ Voice Committee
HWDSB is starting a new committee to hear the voices of racialized students across the school board.
The committee is a way for students to share their lived experiences of race and racism, reflect upon their identities, experiences and specific challenges and successes. The committee will connect students from different schools and provide insight on policies, programs and practices to improve outcomes for racialized students.
Before it starts, HWDSB wants to hear from students in grades 7 to 12 who self-identify as racialized. There will be a focus group where students can tell the board what they feel is important to consider in the creation of this new committee.
All students who identify as racialized are welcome to participate in this leadership opportunity.
Racialized Student Voice Committee – focus group flyer 2021
Focus group to support the creation of a Racialized Student Voice Committee. We want to hear from students who self-identify as racialized (grades 7-12).
We want to hear what you think is important to consider in the creation of this new Committee.
Participate in the Racialized Student Voice Committee Focus Group to share your experience, insight and ideas.
To participate, please sign up at: hwdsb.info/racializedstudentsfocus by March 31
Have something to say, but can’t participate in a focus group? Share your thoughts anonymously at:
hwdsb.info/racializedstudentsthoughts by April 9
Updated on Friday, March 19, 2021.