Announcements for Friday November 3, 2023
A heartfelt congratulations to our Junior Swim Team for having a very successful meet at Jimmy Thomson pool yesterday. We took home first place in Grade 4 Boys Freestyle and Girls Open Relay, with numerous 2nd and 3rd place finishes. All of our swimmers effort and spirit made us so proud, you represented Armstrong wonderfully! Well done! Join us for a pizza party in the art room at 2nd NB.
Get those running shoes out and ready to go. The kilometre club will be running during the 1st nutrition break today for students in grade 1-3. Every lap you complete you will get a popsicle stick. Be sure to hand in your popsicle stick to your bin in your classroom at the end of the break. Lets see what class can complete the most kilometres.
Today our Active Eagles will be on the playground to offer tag games, soccer and rock, paper, scissors hopscotch. Lets get active GLA!!
Attention all grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 students. We are looking for responsible students to help with nutrition program. If you are interested please come to the music room 1st nutrition break.
There will be leadership meeting on Monday during the 2nd nutrition break.
Boys & Girls club 2nd nutrition break in the library.
There will be a mandatory Sr girls volleyball practice today at 1st nutrition break in the large gym.
There will be a choir practice today during the 1st nutrition break in the music room.
Last night in volleyball action, the senior boys defeated Ridgemount. The boys demonstrated great sportsmanship and excellent skill. Great job, keep it going! No practice today.
Updated on Friday, November 03, 2023.