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George L. Armstrong

Communication for Families

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Communication for Families

Good Evening GLA Families,
It has come to our attention that some of our families have not received the first three communications that have been sent out via email from the school.  Please make sure you have updated your phone numbers and email address in the parent portal as we will be using school messenger as our main communication tool.  You can also subscribe to the Armstrong school website which means every time something is shared by the school or board, you will get an email notification. If you are having issues with your parent portal please call the school office as we are more than happy to help.
For families who might have limited access to the internet, hard copies of communications can be sent home. Please contact the office if you would like paper copies of forms or letters, once communication has been sent out.
Please visit the school website and under messages from the principal we have an update from September 28th. Newsletters have also be been posted on the website. Please click on the NEWS tab to see all communications from the school and board.
If you at anytime have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.
Thank you
Joanne Hall
Updated on Monday, October 04, 2021.
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