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HWDSB Building

First Day of School Tuesday September 4th

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First Day of School Tuesday September 4th

On the first day of school, Tuesday September 4th, the grade 1’s and 2’s will be organizing into their new classes in the gym. Parents are welcome at this time to enter the gym with their child to meet the teacher. The grades 3’s, 4’s and 5’s will be organizing into their new classes on the back playground. Parents are welcome to join their child on the back playground to meet their teacher before the bell rings. There will be ample staff available to help
assist children to the right classrooms or teachers if parents or guardians are unable to stay. For the
rest of the week (September 4th-8th) the playground morning entry will be lenient so parents will
be able to walk their child onto the playground and to their line if the student requires it. However,
starting Monday September 10th we will be continuing to follow the current playground practice
with asking parents to wait in a specific area on the playground.
If it is raining on the first day of school and we have to enter the building due to the wet weather, then the front doors and the middle stair door off the playground will be open so students and parents will go directly to their classrooms.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Mrs. Bratuz and Mme Kucic
Updated on Friday, August 31, 2018.
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