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HWDSB Building

Weekly Reminders…

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Weekly Reminders…

Just a few weekly reminders…


Wednesday, April 15th

*  Ukulele lessons at 3:15 p.m. (for those who are registered)


Thursday, April 16th

*  Nutrition Program – cheese, whole grain pasta salad containing pasta, diced celery, peppers, and carrots, and light Italian dressing

*  Ukulele lessons at 3:15 p.m. (for those who are registered)


Friday, April 17th

*  Spirit Wear Forms are due

*  Lost and Found bin will be emptied



Earl Kitchener Spirit Wear Forms Due THIS FRIDAY!!!

As you are aware, spirit wear forms were sent home and are due this Friday, April 17th.  Along with T-shirts, new this year are baseball hats, picnic blankets, and pullover hoodies.  And, to mark this year’s 100th Anniversary, everything will be marked with the 100th Anniversary logo.  So show your spirit and be sure to get your forms in by Friday!



Nutrition Program News

Here is the upcoming menu for the EK Nutrition Program.  This is only a proposed menu and depends on availability and prices.  Substitutions are made for allergies.


Also, if you are interested in volunteering for the Nutrition Program on either Tuesday, April 21st or Thursday, April 23rd, just click here and choose your slot!  We would love to have your help!  Food preparation and delivery starts at 8:50 a.m. and is usually done by 10:30 a.m.


A huge thank you to all who have volunteered so far.  Your help has been critical in getting 580 snacks out each Tuesday and Thursday!  It wouldn’t happen without you!!!




 Thursday, April 16th Cheese, whole grain pasta salad containing pasta, diced celery, peppers, and carrots, and light Italian dressing


 Tuesday, April 21st Raw vegetables, thin multi-grain bagel, low fat cream cheese


 Thursday, April 23rd Banana, whole grain cereal, milk (soy milk for students with dairy allergy)


 Tuesday, April 28th Oatmeal, unsweetened apple sauce, low fat milk, sprinkle of cinnamon


Thursday, April 30th Cooked rhubarb, low fat yogurt, and granola parfait




HELP!  The Lost and Found is Overflowing!

The Lost and Found bin is overflowing, mainly with winter outerwear and indoor shoes.  There are winter boots, snow pants, many mittens, hats and scarves, and some splash pants as well as several pairs of indoor shoes.  The Lost and Found will be emptied and the contents donated this Friday, April 17th so please come and reclaim your belongings before then.  Thank you!!!



100th Anniversary Committee Meeting

Just a quick note…the 100th Anniversary Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 21st at 3:30 p.m. in the library.  Please mark it in your calendar!


Helmet Delivery Delayed

Please be advised that the helmet delivery has been delayed.  Canada Helmet Initiative (CHI) are expecting the helmets the first week of May, and Earl Kitchener will expect delivery the second week of May.  If you have any concerns regarding your order, please contact Zeb at CHI at (905) 574-9270 x225.



Have a wonderful week!

Updated on Wednesday, April 15, 2015.
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