We hope that these links and tip sheets will help parents with supporting student learning at home.
Parent information:
Tip Sheets:
HWDSB Elementary Homework Guidelines
TVO Parents – Schools and Learning
People for Education Doing What Matters Most how parents can help their children succeed at school
Canadian Parents for French Website
Hamilton Public Library Resources:
- Homework help and research tips
- Pathfinders – developed with HWDSB to lead you to resources on a number of different topics in the curriculum
- Reading and Homework Clubs
- French Immersion Homework Help Resources
Websites for kids:
- ixlmath.com
- aplusmath.com
- learningbox.com/Base10 – place value review
- aplusmath fact flash cards
- PBS cyberchase math games
- mathgames4kids
- mathplayground
A Bit of Everything:
- Fun Brain
- CBC Kids
- TVO Kids Games for ages 2-5
- TVO Kids Games for ages 6- 11
- Royal Ontario Mueseum Online Activities
- Art Gallery of Hamilton Online Activities
- Bit Strips
- Dance Mat Typing Practice
- Game Aquarium
- Radio Canada jeunesse
- TFO games
- Click Souris
- HPL links to french resources
- Literacy Center Basic French Review
Updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.