The Mandarin Language Transition Program is open to students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 whose first language is Mandarin. The Program is intended to support students in developing English language skills. In the program, students use Mandarin as a resource in acquiring English and developing their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English as they learn the Ontario Curriculum. Students are consistently exposed to real-world language opportunities as language learning strategies, and goal setting/reflection.
In the early years of the program, the goal is to develop basic communication skills in English. Our teachers offer many opportunities for oral interaction and spontaneous discussion. The classroom is a language rich environment where students build connections between their first language to English. As students’ progress throughout the program, their English proficiency develops so that they are able to successfully transition to enter mainstream English programming in Grade 6.
哈密尔顿中英文过渡项目接收从幼儿园小班到小学五年级以汉语为母语的学生。本项目并不是中英文双语项目,而是用中文做为辅助语言来学习英语技能。这个项目可以提供给学生用母语交流的机会,进而促进学生们英语学习的听、说、 读、写的四项技能,顺利达到安大略省教学大纲的考核目标。学生们通过浸润于真实的语言环境,来帮助他们提高语言学习的整体策略和目标设定。
Updated on Monday, September 02, 2024.