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Cootes Paradise

Warm Wishes

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Warm Wishes

Dear Cootes Paradise Families & Community

It is hard to believe that the 2022 year is coming to an end. It has been a year full of anticipation as we moved from remote virtual school to pandemic recovery.  The effect of the pandemic will be with us for many years, but we continue to see the growth and resiliency of our students and our community.

As we reflect on 2022, the theme of growth and resiliency continues to echo in our minds.  Our community came together to meet and greet one another in October, our students returned to sports and extracurricular activities and our playground finally saw all classes coming together to interact, perform and play together.  Our community has overcome extraordinary feats as we navigated “unprecedented times” with no manual or instructions.  Throughout this time, and 2022 in particular, we were guided by empathy and a common goal for well-being to support one another and to grow together.

There are many reasons to celebrate 2022 this year and to show gratitude to those who shared in our growth.  This holiday season we wish all our community a time of peace and calm.  We hope you have time to reflect on the growth and resiliency that guided us all.  All of us have had a part in creating a Cootes Paradise that is marked with creativity, strength and kindness.

We send you best wishes for happiness, connection and rejuvenation throughout the holidays.

We look forward to seeing everyone January 9, 2023!


Ms. Hogan, Ms Gojsic & the Cootes Paradise Staff

Updated on Thursday, December 22, 2022.
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