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Cootes Paradise

Halloween Parade!

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Halloween Parade!

Hello Cootes Families!
We will be having our Halloween Parade on Monday, October 31st , beginning at 2:30pm. The classes will first parade through the building, and then walk outside to the back playground. The parade will be travelling in a counter-clockwise direction around the track on the back field, then around the tarmac, up the side of the school next to the kindergarten wing, and then around the front of the school, entering back into the building via the front doors. Parents/guardians are invited to come and stand along the fence on Bond St and Glen Rd (on the outside of the fence), along the side of the path next to the kindergarten wing (on the Temple side of the path) or on Cline (on the side across the street from the school). Staff and students are the only ones who are permitted on school property during the parade. Please let us know if you have any questions. Looking forward to what will no doubt be an exciting day!
[*In the event of inclement weather, we will be doing the parade indoors only and guests will unfortunately be unable to join. We appreciate your understanding!]
Updated on Wednesday, October 26, 2022.
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