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Cootes Paradise

Morning Entry: Back Playground

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Morning Entry: Back Playground

Dear Cootes Families

The sun is starting to shine more strongly these days and the birds are singing because Spring is definitely in the air!

With Spring and warmer temperatures comes the opportunity for students to ride to school using bikes, roller blades, scooters and more.  We even may want our furry friends to join us on our family walk to the school each morning.

This is a reminder that student safety must be maintained each day.  We ask that you please support us in securing a safe playground each morning as we have over 500 students who share the space each day.  Specifically, please ensure the following:

  • Pets are not allowed on school property during the school day. If you have your furry friends with you, we ask that you remain outside of the school gates with them and have your child walk to their area.
  • If riding a bicycle to school, students must walk their bike onto the playground.
  • If using scooters, skateboards or roller blades, these items must not be used once in the playground. Students are asked to remove these items and hold onto them as they walk onto the playground.

We have had a number of instances where students and adults have almost been hit or have almost collided with one another, and for this reason we ask for your support to ensure everyone’s safety.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Ms Hogan & Mrs Gojsic

Updated on Wednesday, April 06, 2022.
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