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Cootes Paradise

Welcome Back!

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Welcome Back!

Hello to our Cootes Community!

We hope that you have had a good March Break week and have had a chance to rest and relax a little and do some other things with family and friends. The break often offers the opportunity to slow down and recharge.

Over the last week, there have been a number of updates with respect to COVID protocols and masking.  As we work as a school community to implement these changes, please know that the safety and well-being of our students and staff continues to be our priority.

Good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette continue to be important. Cleaning spaces and shared items will continue. Also, absence reporting and school website posts for voluntary self-reported positive COVID-19 cases will still be available.

Important Reminders:

Daily Screening: All students must continue to complete the Government of Ontario online COVID-19 school screening tool prior to attending school each day. Students no longer need to show they have completed the screening tool. The screening tool has been updated to reflect updated isolation and self-monitoring requirements.

Stay home if sick: Students must stay home if sick to reduce the spread of illness. Symptomatic students at school will continue to isolate and be sent home based on criteria in screening tool.

Masking: Supporting staff and families during this phased approach and time of transition is our priority. We are reminding staff and students to wear a mask until April 1 and to exercise their choice by completing the mask exemption process, if needed. The form is available online and in the Parent Portal.

International travel: Families returning from international travel must follow requirements from the Government of Canada. Students and staff returning from international travel will be required to wear a mask at school for 14 days.

Remote Learning Requests: Students can request a transition to full-time elementary remote learning. Contact the school using the exceptional circumstances process. Spaces are limited and the Board may not be able to accommodate all requests.

Rapid Antigen Tests: Those who become symptomatic at school or returning from illness (tests are for at-home, symptomatic use only) will be provided with a Rapid Antigen Test kit.

School Entry & Daily Routines: As we move forward, we will continue to take a gradual approach to the implementation of all changes as follows:

  • Starting on Monday, March 21 – Students will be permitted to have a mixed cohort recess. When the bell rings for morning entry or in the middle of the nutrition break, students will enter the building as they have been doing: gather in their pod area and wait for the teacher to let them in.
  • Starting on Monday, March 28 – Adjustments will be made to the gathering spots for some classes.  Homeroom teachers will discuss any new areas with individual classes.
  • Starting on Monday, April 4 – When the bell rings in the middle of nutrition break, students will enter at the doors as they have been doing. At the end of nutrition break, students will line up at their specified line closest to their current entry door and according to the entry procedures. Staff members will be letting lines in one at a time and be spread throughout the hallways to maintain an orderly and safe entry through the building.

We appreciate your patience and support as we navigate the most recent changes.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school at 905 522 0601.


Ms. J Hogan, Principal & Mrs. S Gojsic, Vice-Principal

Updated on Monday, March 21, 2022.
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