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Cootes Paradise

ACTION: Snow Hill in School Parking Lot

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ACTION: Snow Hill in School Parking Lot

Dear families,

With the amount of snow that we have recently received, the city has ploughed this snow into a hill that connects to our staff parking area. We have noticed many families using this hill for sliding down and tobogganing. Children are sliding directly into the staff parking lot while staff are entering and exiting this lot. This is happening before school and right after dismissal time. This is posing a significant safety risk for those children as they often slide down into where staff cars are parked or moving. If you choose to use this snow hill, you must have your children slide down towards the park and not the parking lot area.

A reminder that there are multiple signs that state that the parking lot is for staff use only. No parents should be using this parking lot during school hours to drop off or pick up their children unless you have an accessibility permit.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Updated on Monday, February 22, 2021.
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