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Cootes Paradise

Pumpkin Night Hike

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Pumpkin Night Hike

Save the date! Our annual Pumpkin Night Hike is coming up Friday October 26 6:30-8:30!
Come hike a trail lined with jack-o-lanterns that have been carved by the students and then enjoy games outside Churchill Park Clubhouse. This is a fun and unique event for the whole family. The hike starts at the trail head near the Aviary (85 Oak Knoll Dr) in Churchill Park, rain or shine. It is about 1km and in some places is a bumpy, dirt path that isn’t suitable for strollers. Be sure to dress for the weather and bring a flashlight. Parking is limited. Pay what you can. Suggested donation $15 per family. Proceeds go to Cootes Paradise Home & School and RBG!
Join us to help carve pumpkins October 26 at 3:20 in Churchill Park near the playground.
Updated on Tuesday, October 09, 2018.
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