Bell Times
8:45 AM - 3:05 PM
Lisa Barzetti - 905-662-2990 | Email
Paul Denomme - 905.527.5092 x 2361 | E-mail Paul DenommeTrustee
Todd White - 289.237.1644 | E-mail Todd WhiteSchool Council Chairs
Mrs. L. Barzetti
Administrative Office Staff
Ms. Twyla
Ms. Bethany
Our School
Collegiate Elementary School is located in lower Stoney Creek on Collegiate Avenue situated between Queenston Road and King Street. Collegiate Elementary School celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2005. The school serves students representing 22 language groups.
Programs & Services
Collegiate closed for a short time in June 2019 for construction on an addition and renewal work. It re-opened in September 2021.
Student Success Supports
1.0 FTE Learning Resource Teachers offer curriculum support and intervention programming
- Homework support
- System Instructional Coaches
- Transition Team consisting of elementary and secondary school personnel
- Technology and software to support differentiated learning for at risk students
- Book Room with leveled reading material to support Comprehensive Literacy
- High enrollment in the summer STEP program
- Response to Intervention Pilot for students in Grades SK-3
Program Highlights
- FDK Implementation-September 2013
- Assistive Technology for at risk students
- Write Traits writing program
- School-wide “At Home” Reading program
- SMART Board technology across the curriculum
- iPads in each classroom
- Levelled Literacy Intervention Groups
- Empower Reading Program
- School wide use of Nelson Math series with emphasis on differentiated instruction
- Student Council
- Green Team Environmental Club
- Library Helpers
Before/After School Program or Activites
- Cross country
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Swim Team
Our School Plan
Curriculum Focus
Comprehensive Literacy with a focus on Reading:
- Primary: Reading Fluency and Reading for Understanding
- Junior /Intermediate: Reading Fluency and Reading for Understanding
- Focus on higher level thinking activities
- SMART Board technology
- Technology and software support for Differentiated Learning
- Use of DRA assessment in all divisions
- Regularly scheduled meetings of Grade and Division Learning Teams
Environment Focus
- Full implementation of Character Education through school wide monthly student recognition assemblies
- Partnership with board and system personnel to create a safe and healthy environment
- Full implementation of Agenda use for School/Home communication
Parent & Community Involvement
- Educational Assistant students from Mohawk College
- Co op students from local high school placed in classrooms
Student teachers from a variety of Faculties of Education - Promotion of homework programs offered at local library and community centers in partnership with HWDSB
- trips to local businesses for program and extra curricular activities
- support from local dairy for milk program
- Active School Council consisting of 8 members
- Parent volunteers assist in classrooms, on trips and with special projects/activities such as our “At Home Reading” program and assistive technology team
- Fundraising efforts of School Council support our School Improvement Plan
- Parent participation in School Improvement planning and Safe Schools initiatives
Updated on Thursday, September 07, 2023.