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Class Placements for 2022-23

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Class Placements for 2022-23

BG Families,

At this point in the school year, many parents begin to think about who their child’s teacher will be for next school year.  This planning process for organizing classes is now underway.  When creating classes, teachers meet with each other and school administration to discuss the needs of each student.  Some of the factors reviewed for class building are student learning profiles (social, emotional and academic development), balancing of ability, interests, and talents, and which students might be best kept together or separated because of the positive/negative influence on each other’s learning.

We appreciate your trust in our professional judgment in balancing the considerations mentioned above.  The final decision for class placements is the responsibility of the principal.

If you have further information regarding your child’s learning needs that we should consider, please send me an email ([email protected]) or note with the specifics by June 10.  Please note that we do not take teacher requests.

Combined grade classes are very common in Ontario schools and Billy Green is no exception.  Over the course of your child’s education at Billy Green it is most likely they will be in a combined grade class at various points in their education.  This should be expected and should not be seen as a negative.  Teachers are well prepared to ensure that your child is exposed to the same curriculum as they would be in a single grade classroom.

Class placements will be shared with all grade 1-8 students on the first day of school in September.

All class placements are tentative until October 2022.  We are committed to maximizing opportunities to learn and be successful for all our students.

~ Ms. Wilson

Updated on Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
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