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HWDSB Building

Terry Fox 2020 (Oct 9)

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Terry Fox 2020 (Oct 9)

BG Families,

We are excited to be participating in the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope Run on Friday, October 9 (Rain date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020).


Each class will participate in some physical activity with their teacher at a scheduled time on this day. Classes will have a scheduled time and location to ensure physical distancing between classes.


Please help show your support by donating through the Terry Fox Foundation https://terryfox.org.  Hover over “donate today” and then click on “to a student or school,” enter Billy Green as the school name and pick us from the list.

We can’t accept cash donations at the school this year.


We are also asking each student to wear a white shirt or sweater to promote school spirit.  Please ensure that your child has running shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather.


“If you have given a dollar, you are part of the Marathon of Hope.  Terry Fox 


Thank you for your support,

Billy Green Staff 

Updated on Thursday, October 08, 2020.
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