Cold Weather
Dear Families,
Thank you for remembering to send in a second pair of shoes – this is especially encouraged for our intermediate students. Our caretaking team works hard to keep our floors and stairwells clean and safe.
Here is a link to information about cancellations, snow clearing, and cold weather: https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/blog/winter-is-coming-a-reminder-about-cancellations-snow-and-cold-weather-3/
We plan to have students enjoy the winter fresh air as much as possible, and we monitor cold weather alerts as well as our immediate location. At Ancaster Meadow, we are lucky that the wind often isn’t overwhelming on the playground and field, and we get the best of the sunshine. Please note the below excerpt from the Board newsletter:
Cold Weather at School
Time spent outdoors is an integral part of the school day. There are great benefits when children experience fresh air, exercise and time spent outside. Outdoor play is also a break from the structure of the classroom.
Depending on the season, preparing for outdoor play in Canada can mean anything from applying sunscreen to wearing mittens and a hat. During winter, it’s important that children come to school prepared for the cold. Students should wear boots, mittens/gloves and hats and it’s a good idea to pack extra mittens, socks, etc. in case they are needed.
Principals decide whether to send students outside for recess. HWDSB asks Principals to follow the City of Hamilton guideline that people stay inside when it’s at or below -15C, or -20C with the wind chill.
Happy Winter!
K. Dunford
Updated on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.