How quickly time is flying… Tomorrow, October 31st, is Halloween!
Students are welcome to wear costumes to school, dress in black and orange, or come in their regular clothes. Please keep safety in mind with costumes. All students will have a chance to participate in a range of activities.
Kindergarten – Grade 4 Parade
The parade will begin at 9:30 am indoors, and then outdoors if the weather permits. Families are welcome to come to watch the parade. It’ll be in the gym if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Grades 5-8 – Dance and Games
Students will choose to join the dance in the gym, spend some extra time on school work, or join an organized board/card games room(s).
If you are planning on sending in a treat for your child’s class, please remember:
Store-bought items that indicate ingredients.
No peanuts or tree nuts (which include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts).
There are children in our building with life-threatening allergies.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween!

Updated on Monday, October 30, 2023.