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HWDSB Building

Administrator Change 2021-2022

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Administrator Change 2021-2022

Hello Ancaster Meadow families!

My name is Kelly Dunford, and I am the new principal at Ancaster Meadow. It has already been such a joy to meet the hard working and passionate staff, and I very much look forward to getting to know students and their families.

There is great anticipation with the reopening of schools. We are excited to welcome students back, both in school and remotely. There have been a few changes for Ancaster Meadow – including new staff members (found on the Staff List) and bell times (found under Bell Times). There will be information forthcoming about our school safety protocols and procedures, and you should receive communication from your child’s teacher to outline classroom specific information. A school reopening plan will also be shared with you shortly.


Students in grades 1-8 will begin school on September 8th.

JK students and their families will be invited to a school visit on September 8th to meet their educators and have a chance to see their classrooms. Invites to families will arrive in the coming days.

SK students will begin their 2021-2022 year on September 9th.


I strongly believe in open lines of communication to build strong home-school partnerships to optimize student success. Please reach out to share any questions, concerns, celebrations, or introductions! [email protected]

See you soon,

Kelly Dunford

Updated on Monday, August 30, 2021.
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