The Code of Conduct establishes standards of behaviour that are consistent with the Provincial Code of Conduct and applies to all members of the school community. The Code of Conduct promotes respect within the learning and teaching environment, and sets clear Board and school standards of behaviour.
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board believes that all individuals attending on Board or school property, on school buses, or at school-related events or activities, should be treated with dignity and respect.
The Code of Conduct promotes a positive school climate which is a contributing factor to a safe and orderly environment. It also supports Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s commitment to all who work and engage in our schools feeling safe, supported and accepted.
The purposes of the HWDSB Code of Conduct are as follows:
- To ensure that all members of the school community, are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, sex, disability, creed, family status, or socio‐economic status.
- To promote responsible citizenship by encouraging appropriate participation in the civic life of the school community.
- To maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility.
- To encourage the use of non‐violent means to resolve conflict.
- To promote the safety of people in the schools.
- To prohibit the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons and firearms.
For more https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/code-of-conduct-full/
Updated on Friday, September 27, 2024.