Oral Health Screening coming back to AMC
The Community Dental team from Hamilton Public Health Services will resume school dental screening this school year, after being on hold since March 2020. The dental team will be visiting the school to carry out the Ministry of Health (MOH) Oral Screening Program in grades JK, SK, 1 and 2 on Tuesday January 10th
To carry out the dental screening, a Registered Dental Hygienist will use a separate sterilized mirror to look in the mouth of each child. It takes about 30 seconds per child.
Please send a note to the school if:
- You have a child in other grades that you would like to be seen, or,
- If you want your child excluded from the dental screening
Your child will be sent home with a sealed brochure marked confidential with their dental screening results. Public Health Services offers dental programs and preventive services for children needing financial assistance. For more information please visit hamilton.ca/schooldentalscreening .