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Allan A. Greenleaf
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Bell Times

9:15 AM - 3:35 PM


Colleen Uhler - 905-690-6813 | Email


Matthew Reid | Email


Nicole Lee - 905.527.5092 x 2673 | E-mail Nicole Lee


Graeme Noble - 365.889.3795 | E-mail Graeme Noble


Our School

Allan A. Greenleaf School was built in 2000.  It was named after the late, first Director of the amalgamated Wentworth County DSB and Hamilton DSB.  The school’s capacity is 585. Greenleaf is a Kindergarten to Grade Eight School situated between Waterdown District High school and the Flamborough “Y” on Parkside Drive between Highway 6 and Centre Road.   For the 2016/2017  school year, Greenleaf provides quality education to 620 students.  We provide a full range of programs and activities to meet the needs of our students.


Updated on Thursday, August 29, 2024.
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