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Kindergarten Grad Photos

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Kindergarten Grad Photos

Kindergarten Grad Photos will be taken on Wednesday, May 25 first thing!

Photo Day Tips from Edge Imaging

We know you have a lot going on during the busy back to school season.  To help you prepare for your school photo day, here are some helpful tips and tricks to getting the perfect photo of your child.

Before Photo Day

  • Aim for a haircut at least a week before the photo day, this allows hair to grow into a comfortable length for photos.
  • Check to make sure your child’s uniform or clothing for photo day is clean and wrinkle free.
  • Help your child practice their smile in front of a mirror.

On Photo Day

  • Bright and solid colours help emphasize your child’s smile.
  • You might want to send a comb to make sure their hair is perfect for their photo.
  • If your child normally wear glasses, feel free to wear them for your photos. Our photographers are trained to reduce glare on the lens.

It doesn’t matter sometimes how clean they are when they leave the house in the morning, young children like to run and play.  Edge Imaging offers 2 different retouching services to make sure your child’s photos look the way you meant them too.  We can remove the spaghetti stains, the dirt from recess and the marker from art class.

Updated on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.
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