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HWDSB Building


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Dear Mount Hope families,
With Halloween just around the corner we have a few reminders for students and families. Students are welcome to bring a costume for Halloween on Tuesday October 31, 2017. 
After the 2nd nutrition break, students will have time in their classrooms to dress in their costumes. The school parade will begin around 1:20pm. 
The Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes (including the 3’s from the 3/4 class) will join the parade (like a train) after students pass through the various classrooms. 
Parents and family members are welcome to watch the parade. If weather is permitting, it will be outside on the blacktop, if not, you can meet us in the school. The parade will be approximately 10 minutes.
Taking pictures and videos will not be permitted for the safety of our students. Thank you for respecting this request.
This is a “Special Day” under our Nutrition Policy. Your child’s teacher will inform you of any specific plans for Halloween, as well as alert you to any other specific allergies in the classroom. Treats need to be nut-free and individually wrapped. No baked goods can be shared for safety/allergy reasons.
Costumes reminders:
 – be brought to school in students’ backpacks
– masks must not interfere with vision
– students need to be able to put on their costumes independently 
  makeup can be worn to school in the morning if this is an integral part of the costume (please do not send in makeup)
 We ask no weapons of any kind are to be sent to the school (toy knives, guns, etc.). We ask that families not send students in “gory” or “bloody,” costumes as they may scare our younger students. Save those types of costumes for nighttime trick-or-treating with your family please!
 Thank you for your kind attention.
Updated on Friday, October 27, 2017.
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