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HWDSB Building

Dress Code Reminder

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Dress Code Reminder

As the warmer weather is now here students, staff and volunteers are expected to wear appropriate clothing that covers the body as well as undergarments. The wearing of clothing that portrays any suggestion of violence, weapons, discrimination, vulgar or profane language, harassment or drug use (including alcohol and smoking) is not acceptable.  Short skirts, dresses and shorts (less than arms length), muscle shirts, and halter-tops, spaghetti straps (less than three fingers), see through clothing, and clothing that reveals, cleavage, abdomen and back when standing or sitting are considered inappropriate.  Students in all grades are expected to follow these expectations.   Students will be expected to make suitable changes if they are in violation of any of these items, if available and/or may be sent home.


Updated on Friday, June 01, 2018.
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