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Winona News – May 27

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Winona News – May 27

Upcoming Dates
May 27 – EQAO Testing Begins at Winona
May 28-29 – Public Health Vaccines (Grade 7)
May 29 – Arts and Music Evening (6 – 7 PM)
May 29 – Roots of Empathy 5B
May 30 – Pizza Day
June is…
Filipino Heritage Month
Italian Heritage Month
Portuguese Heritage Month
National Indigenous Month
Pride Month
June 3 – Access Athletics
June 3 – Art & You (Gr. 1 & 1/2)
June 5 – Art & You (Gr. 1)
June 6 – Pita Day
June 6 – Gr. 7/8 Career Presentations
June 7 – PA Day – No classes

Art & Music Night – Join us on Wednesday, May 29 for an evening of arts and music. Performances by our Band, Ukulele and Singing Club.  Silent movies and Intermediate Art will also be on display. Doors open at 5:30 pm and performances begin at 6pm. No tickets are required but a donation box will be at our door.  All proceeds will support program enhancement at Winona.

Pediculosis (Head Lice) – Over the past month cases of head lice (pediculosis) has been found in our school.  To help stop the spread of lice among our students, please check your child’s hair and scalp for lice and eggs regularly.  If you discover head lice or nits, it is important to apply treatment and remove nits to prevent spreading to others. Treatment products will kill the lice, but not all of the nits, therefore nits must be removed by hand.  Please also note that treatment for head lice is covered by OHIP+ for children and youth under 25. To obtain covered products visit your family doctor or walk-in clinic for a prescription.

Public Health does not require reporting of a head lice infestation. However, if you do find that your child has head lice, please inform the school. Additional information can be obtained from the Caring for Kids website at https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/health-conditions-and-treatments/head_lice.

Updated on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
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