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HWDSB Building

Secure Schools: Practice Lockdown Drill

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Secure Schools: Practice Lockdown Drill

Hello Westwood Community,

As part of our Secure Schools Protocols, this Thursday, June 16th @ approximately 9:15am, our school will be engaging in a practice Lockdown Drill.  During this time, student drop off/pick up will not be permitted and phones will not be answered.  The lockdown should last approximately 10-15 minutes.

To help answer some of your questions, HWDSB has prepared the following infographic for your review.

Secure-Schools-Lockdown (For Families)

This is also a good time to share that in the event of a school emergency where students and staff need to evacuate the school building (not related to a lockdown), our evacuation sites are Westmount Secondary School followed by Westview Middle School.

As always, if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to the main office.

Thank you,

Mr. Azzopardi

Updated on Monday, June 13, 2022.
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