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January Westwood Newsletter

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January Westwood Newsletter

Principal’s Message

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Westwood students, staff, parents, caregivers and community for making the past 4 1/2 years such an enjoyable and memorable experience. It has been a pleasure to know each and everyone of you during my time here and I’m grateful for the support and trust that you placed in me as the principal. I am proud of all of the accomplishments that we have achieved together and I am confident that the great work at Westwood will continue moving forward.

Starting February 1st, 2022 I will be the new principal of  Helen Detwiler Elementary School and my last day at Westwood will be on January 31st, 2022. Mr. Azzopardi will be the new principal of Westwood and he is the current principal of Helen Detwiler.

It has been an absolute honour to serve the Westwood students, staff, families and the community. I will miss you all dearly.

All the best,

Mr. T. Ro

Upcoming Events

To view upcoming events in January, please click here: Upcoming EventsWestwood Elementary School (hwdsb.on.ca)

Kindergarten Registration for 2022

Kindergarten registration For September 2022 will begin February 7, 2022. If you know people in the community with children, please let them know. To register, you must bring a birth certificate, immigration papers (If born outside of Canada), Immunization record and proof of address. We hope to see you and your children soon. For more information, visit: http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/kindergarten

Instructions for the HUB and MS Teams

Thank you for all of your efforts in helping your children log into the board platforms, HUB and MS Teams. Learning in an online environment is much different than learning in a physical classroom. Please click on the link below for more resources and ‘How To’ videos that will help you become more familiar with the platforms.

Mental Health and Well-being

Mental health affects us all – and has real impacts on our lives. HWDSB is committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of all students and staff. We embrace Public Health Canada’s definition of positive mental health as:

“the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. It is a positive sense of emotional and social well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, interconnections and personal dignity.”

For more information, please click on the following link: Mental Health and Well-being | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)

Updated on Friday, January 07, 2022.
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