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Viscount Montgomery

Wednesday, April 13 – International Day of Pink

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Wednesday, April 13 – International Day of Pink

On Wednesday, April 13, staff and students across HWDSB will wear pink on the International Day of Pink.

We do this because we want to make a statement that we stand against all forms of bullying. It also reminds us that if we stand up and speak out, we can make a difference.

The International Day of Pink began in Nova Scotia when two high school students saw a classmate being bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

The two students intervened, but wanted to do more. A few days later they were able to get their entire school to wear pink. That school sent a message that together we can stop bullying.

We know that bullying is a problem in our schools and in our wider community. Bullying can happen to anyone, anywhere. Collectively, we can stand up and speak out against bullying.

We will continue to support anti-bullying efforts that make our schools safe and welcoming places for all of our students.

Please wear Pink on Wednesday, April 13th to show your Support!

Updated on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.
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