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Tiffany Hills

Parking Lot and Cold Weather

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Parking Lot and Cold Weather

Dear Tiffany Hills Families,

Winter and the cold weather have arrived.

We’d like to thank our families and students who walk or take the bus to school. 

We understand that our school parking lot is often congested in the morning and afternoons. This creates a problem for our families and daycare families who drop their children off at Today’s Family. While we at the school cannot make any construction changes, we can provide some guidance and options to our families on both drop-offs and pick-up.

*If your children have the option of taking the school bus, we encourage them to use this service. Taking the bus to and from school is safe and convenient.

*Supervisory staff are on the playground from 9 am – 9:15 am to supervise students, it is safer and more convenient to walk your children to school or if you must drive them, the parking lot and road are less congested at this time, please consider dropping them off at 9 am. Children dressed for the weather do enjoy the time outside.

*Parking along the side streets and walking your children a block or two is also an option. Walking provides additional health benefits for all.

*At the end of the school day, staff are on duty from 3:35 pm – 3:50 pm on the back playground. The parking lot is most congested at 3:30 pm – 3:40 pm, picking up your children at 3:40 pm might be an option. It would be safer and the parking lot and the roads are less congested.

*A reminder that school does begin at 9:15 and any students who arrive after that time, must check in to the office and will be marked late. Announcements begin at approximately 9:20, if your children are late, they must wait in the vestibule quietly until the announcements and O’Canada are completed. 

*We have made a request with the City of Hamilton for a crossing guard at the Raymond Ave/Robertson circle. Stay tuned for updates as we receive them.

Thank you for working with us to ensure the safety of staff, students and families. 

Updated on Thursday, December 02, 2021.
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