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Tiffany Hills

School Messenger Calls

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School Messenger Calls

Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,

HWDSB strives for effective communications with all families. One way that we communicate is through an automated phone service, as you will know from days when school is cancelled due to inclement weather or for attendance calls.

This is a useful service when making large volumes of calls. However, we need to inform you that the company that provides this service is making changes that you may notice.

As of May 29, 2018, HWDSB is being moved to a new phone platform that will make calls to all non-emergency contact numbers listed for a family. In the past, the service would stop making calls if it reached one parent for that student, for example.

This means that you may receive duplicate calls from this automated system. This is something that HWDSB cannot resolve in the short-term but is working with the vendor on for a long-term solution.

We understand that this may be a nuisance, but we do not recommend that families contact their school to remove phone numbers from their students’ information sheet. Doing this will make it more difficult to reach all HWDSB families in case of emergency.

Thank you for your understanding.

Updated on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.
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