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Capital Funding Announcement That Affects Hess St. and Strathcona Elementary Schools

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Capital Funding Announcement That Affects Hess St. and Strathcona Elementary Schools

We recently received notice from the Ministry of Education about our latest request for Capital Priorities Grant Funding. One of our requests was to build a new elementary school for 623 students on the Sir John A. Macdonald site, which would replace Hess St. and Strathcona elementary schools, as part of a Community Hub.

The recent provincial funding announcement did not give us the funds for a new school to replace Hess St. and Strathcona elementary schools.

The request for a new school came from the review of nine elementary schools in the city’s west end, called the West Hamilton City Accommodation Review. The schools reviewed were, Bennetto, Cathy Wever, Central, Dr. Davey, Earl Kitchener, Hess, Queen Victoria, Ryerson, and Strathcona. The review looked at the future needs of the students in these neighbourhoods.

As part of the Board of Trustee approval of the West Hamilton City Accommodation Review, Trustees approved that if HWDSB did not get money for a new elementary school at the Sir John A. Macdonald site, that all schools stay open. Therefore, Hess St. and Strathcona elementary schools will still be open and continue to run as normal, while we continue to ask the province for money in future opportunities.

The ministry has agreed to continue to work with its Community Hubs Division, HWDSB and community partners about the potential use of the Sir John A. Macdonald site for a Community Hub.

We will keep both school communities aware of any progress made towards the creation of a community hub on the Sir John A. Macdonald site. We appreciate your patience as we work to renew our schools.

Updated on Thursday, April 05, 2018.
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