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HWDSB Building

SWL School Reorganization

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SWL School Reorganization

Dear SWL Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,

Each fall, HWDSB reviews elementary student enrolment in schools, and reorganizes staffing if actual enrolment differs from spring projections. It is normal for student enrolment to fluctuate a little. This year, our school enrolment is higher than the spring projections. Our reorganization information was shared in our community weekly update as well as a letter was sent home with your child this week.  We have opened additional primary classes which impacts movement across the school.

The new classes will maintain this organization until the end of the school year.  We are not able to make changes to class placements at this time. As always, our team of dedicated educators will work with you to ensure your child is well supported and experiences educational success.

Friday, October 6th (tomorrow), students will begin in their new class or remain in their previous class with some new peers or a new educator.

Please welcome the following new educators to SWL!  

Kindergarten JSG:   T. Moulton (Teacher)/S.Akther (DECE)

Grade 2: A. George

Grade 3/4: M. Lewis

Grade 7: M. Mills

Primary Coverage:  S. Trotti


Updated on Thursday, October 05, 2023.
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