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HWDSB Building

March Community Update

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March Community Update

Dear Families,

The staff of SWL hope that you are all managing well during these uncertain times.  We recently passed the one year anniversary of the declaration of the world-wide pandemic.  We appreciate your on-going support of our established protocols to keep our students safe and schools open.  We are all in this together!

Daily Screening

This is a friendly reminder to continue to conduct daily screening with your child prior to sending them to school.  If your child is exhibiting symptoms, they must get a negative Covid test or quarantine for 10 days, with symptoms improving, before being able to return.  We understand that this is challenging for families and appreciate your understanding and support.

Spirit Week

As this would have been our regularly scheduled March Break, the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee planned a Spirit Week for students.  So far, this week has been a huge success.  We have been learning about Identity and Race in our classes and our Cultural Tuesday saw many students wear or bring important cultural items to school.  It was a wonderful opportunity to recognize and learn about each other.  Around the school, we have been posting the self-portraits that students have been creating in class to highlight their identify!

Warm Weather and Gatherings

With the arrival of warmer weather, we have started to see more people gathering at the play structure beside our school.  This is a reminder that this structure is on school property and as such, students and adults are required to wear masks.  Additionally, the City of Hamilton has guidelines for using parks and play structures that we should all adhere to.  We are asking that families NOT gather or congregate after school.  There are too many people trying to access the play structure and not adhering to Public Health Guidelines.  Please go straight home after school and come back and visit the park/play structure at less busy times.  Your cooperation is appreciated.

SWL Transition

As previously communicated, our school will be going through a transition next year.  With the new Glen Site school opening up in September, Sir Isaac Brock, Glen Echo, Glen Brae and Elizabeth Bagshaw are all closing.  The students from Bagshaw will be re-directed to SWL and a portion of our population will be transitioning to the new school.  The Transition Committee has been meeting regularly to ensure a smooth transition for all affected students.  More information will be shared as we move closer to the date.

Report Cards

As you are aware, Report Card 1 went home recently.  Hopefully you had the opportunity to review with your child and set goals for the final term.  We ask that you please sign and return the appropriate page and also return the envelope to reuse in June.  If you have any questions about the report, please connect with your child’s teacher.

Final Transition

There is one final opportunity to transiion from Remote to In-Person or In-Person to Remote.  Visit our webpage for more information on this.

April Break

As announced, the spring break was moved from March until April.  Our new Spring Break times will be from Monday, April 12 to Friday, April 16.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please call the school!

Mr. Moore


Updated on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.
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