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Thank you for a great year!

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Thank you for a great year!

It’s been a great year at Rousseau! Thank you to our students, our staff and our families for working together to create a memorable year. There are many events to celebrate! We started off our year with extra curricular activities like 3-pitch and Cross Country and we all walked together to remember Terry Fox and support the Canadian Cancer Society. We participated in Orange Shirt day as an effort to to honour the lives and survivors of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools. Our Grade 6s visited the RBG. Extra-curriculars in October included our swim team and volleyball. Our parent volunteers and Student Council helped to organize our Coat Drive. In November our Spelling Club got started and we recognized Remembrance Day. We also had a fantastic groove-a-thon! In December, we were off to see the Wizard of Oz, we held our annual holiday gift drive and started our basketball season. Our evening Winter Solstice Celebration heard the amazing performance of our Primary and Junior Choirs. We also held a Winter Musical Assembly and our Kindergarten students entertained us with their own holiday performance. The new year saw our Student Council held a sock and mitten drive and we had amazing learning about coding and computational thinking with Brian Aspinall. The Junior and Primary lego clubs got underway as did our intramural Soccer season. In February and we celebrated our student’s learning with first term report cards and did some skating and other outdoor activities at our Winter Carnival. Our indoor soccer team competed at their first indoor tournament and had fun at the Movie Night and Lip Sync. Our Grade 4s did a great job selling hot chocolate to raise money to buy mitts for those in need. In April we continued our learning about Truth and Reconciliation and also had a visit from Officer Melissa from Hamilton Police Services to learn about Online Safety. Hot Dog Day was a hit! We had a great Music Monday celebration in May. Our students also had a chance to shine when we saw their work at the Science Fair and Open House. Our Junior Choir had great success at the HWDSB Choirfest. Our Fun Fair was a big hit and many classes were able to be a part of the Canadian Open. Jump Rope for Heart, track and field, and Play Day helped us start to enjoy some much needed good weather! We congratulated our Grade 6s as they move on to Ancaster Senior. Other activities included our robotics and checkers clubs. Well done Rams on an amazing year! Special thanks and farewell to Ms. Dunsiger, Mrs. Crockett, Ms. Valla, Ms. Ali and Ms. Violaris. We will miss you and we wish you all the best!

Tomorrow, we have a great opportunity to support our students with their learning about transitions. We believe in our students’ ability to grow, change and rise to new challenges and we are always there to support them. Most students will have a chance to meet their teacher for next year tomorrow. We look forward to hearing about who will be teaching the Junior/ Senior Kindergarten JSA class from our Human Resources department so that we can share this information with the community. You might recall that last month, there was post on our school website that invited families to share information for the school to consider as we created classes. At this time, our classes are set and we cannot consider making changes until the end of September. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Updated on Wednesday, June 26, 2019.
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