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Our Halloween parade will take place on Wed Oct 31 at 9:20am. We ask that parents send costumes with students and to avoid confusion and congestion in the school please allow our staff to assist with putting on costumes. We ask that you avoid anything to complicated or inappropriate for school(make up is ok if very simple or applied before coming to school, overly detailed costumes, masks that block their vision or props that are violent in nature – swords, knives, guns etc. ) and overly bulky or cumbersome costumes so that we do not have any serious falls or trips. The K-5 students and those in gr 6-8 that choose will be parading out the West doors at the entrance closest to the arena and doing a circuit around the blacktop returning to their classes in the primary doors at the east side by the portable. We invite families to gather along the edge of the blacktop to enjoy our parade. In the event of rain we will have the parade in the gym. Parents/guardians will be asked to line up along the gym walls so that the students can parade through the gym.

A reminder that K-5 students will also be enjoying a Fall Carnival on Halloween hosted by our Student Council. Our student council is asking for a $1.00 or whatever spare change they can give” to support this event. We are also still collecting perishable food items for our “Scare Hunger Away” initiative to support needy families in our city.

Updated on Tuesday, October 30, 2018.
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